We have now returned to physical viewings for all Westminster City Council properties as off April 2023. Sign-ups for Westminster council tenancies may be digital or in person.
Contact Westminster Housing Solutions Service on 0207 641 1000 or email [email protected]
To see our current bidding restrictions, please click here
For vacant properties standard for most of Westminster properties, please click here
Description: Homeless, Successions, Decants, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability, Hostel Move on and Pathways only.This property maybe withdrawn for a direct offer.
Description: Homeless, Successions, Decants, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability, Hostel Move on and Pathways only.
Description: Homeless, Successions, Decants, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability, Hostel Move on and Pathways only.This property maybe withdrawn for a direct offer.
Description: Homeless, Successions, Decants, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability, Hostel Move on and Pathways only.Suitable for someone unable to manage stairs, priority will be given to mobility category 3.Affordable Rent.This property maybe withdrawn for a direct offer.
Description: Homeless, Downsizers, Successions, Tenant medical, Decants, Studio to 1 beds, Pathways, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability and Hostel Move on only.Suitable for someone unable to manage stairs, priority will be given to mobility category 3.This property maybe withdrawn for a direct offer.This property has a level access shower that will not be removed.
Description: Open to Homeless studios, Successions, Decants, Pathways, Mental Health Move on, Learning disability and Hostel Move on only.Suitable for someone unable to manage stairs, priority will be given to mobility category 3.This property maybe withdrawn for a direct offer.Care free zone.